Learning English at Home
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days, a lot of us are confined in our homes for health and safety reasons. This
could hinder us from living our normal lives when we could freely go out and
get things done. But on the brighter side of things, this could actually be a
perfect opportunity to continue improving your skills or perhaps get started
with it. In this post, I’d be sharing with you ways to better your English
abilities while staying at home.
健康 / 安全の理由で家にずっといなきゃいけない日が続いているよね。自由に外出していろんなことができた普段の生活が阻害されてる。でもこれってポジティブに考えれば絶好のスキルアップのチャンスだったり、新しいこと始めるよい機会ともとれるね。というわけで、今回のブログでは「家に居ながらにして英語スキルをのばす」ことに焦点をあててみます。
is probably the most relaxing way to learn English! It is when you are just
glued to your couch while watching a show to keep yourself entertained or to
learn something new. In a previous blog post, I have shared with you some of my
recommended TV programs that will help you learn and improve your English while
still having fun. If you haven’t checked it yet, here is the link.
Listen to a
Image taken from: https://unsplash.com/photos/mp_FNJYcjBM

you’re too busy to pause and watch TV, there’s still a way to pick up a skill
while you’re up to something. Podcasts are perfect company for busy bees like
you! It’s a great way to immerse yourself in English while you are either doing
chores at home or taking some time to relax. Please check these links for my
Image taken from: https://unsplash.com/photos/s9CC2SKySJM
allows you slow down and be creative at the same time. English involves a lot
of skills and writing is one of them. Keeping a record of your mundane happenings either on paper or
online can help you keep track of your days while practicing your grammar
skills and vocabulary use.
Pick-up New
Image taken from: https://unsplash.com/photos/0aRycsfH57A


says playing games is just a way of killing time? If you’re someone who loves
games, you can challenge yourself by setting the language settings into English.
This might sound difficult to do but it sure does help. You can also do the same
thing with your smartphones. Try downloading English language-related word
games. This will help with brushing up your vocabulary or building one!
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may practice your speaking skills with any of your family members who might be
interested but if no one’s up for it, you might want to try having a
language-learning buddy you can talk to through chats or phone calls. This
keeps you connected with other people while practicing social distancing! But
if you still don’t have any of the previous options mentioned, you can try
talking to yourself instead. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you’ll seem like a
crazy person! Rest assured that this will be helpful in building your
confidence. You can do this by watching yourself practice a speech in front of
the mirror, recording yourself using a voice recorder or just speaking your
thoughts aloud. I swear by these and I can truly attribute my own improvements
to these methods.
Join Online
Image taken from: https://unsplash.com/photos/sW_BS0OVgv0

is such a great educational tool. It opens a gateway of resources to supplement
our learning. And for those with the unrelenting determination to know more,
technology provides a way to connect people to information and sources. Online
classes are a good way to connect learners with language teachers or speaking
buddies. It’s also provides a very convenient and comfortable way of studying.
Continue learning and stay connected!
stuck at home might feel very demotivating for many of us. But it always
doesn’t have to feel that way. Here’s to hoping that this list might help you
in some way to be more positive and proactive in your English learning journey.
For now, please stay healthy and safe everyone!
- Teacher Marilou
- Teacher Marilou
1. confined (adjective) –
not free to move about (形容詞) – 外に出られない
2. company (noun)- the fact or condition of being with
another or others, especially in a way that provides friendship and enjoyment (名詞)- 連れ
3. mundane (adjective) –
found in the ordinary course of events (形容詞) – 日常的な
4. building blocks (noun)
- a basic unit from which something
is built up (名詞) – 基本成分
5. filled to the brim (expression)- as full as possible (語法)- あふれ出そうな
6. plethora (noun) – extremely
abundant (名詞) – 過多
7. kill time (expression)- to engage in an activity, usually a
rather aimless or idle one, with the goal of making time seem to pass more
quickly or less slowly (語法)- 暇つぶし
8. up for (it) (expression)
– keen and willing (to trying something out or to make a good
effort) (語法) – 立候補して
9. swear by (phrasal verb)- have or express great confidence in
the use, value, or effectiveness of (動詞句)- ~にかけて誓う
10. unrelenting (adjective)- never-ceasing(形容詞)- ゆるぎのない
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