

“Please check your personal belongings before leaving.” This is an announcement you would hear a lot, reminding you to not forget anything before leaving a place. In my years of staying here, I’ve never had an experience of losing something really important, at least not until a couple of weeks ago.

 In this blog post, I’ll let you in on a secret of a very unforgettable experience I had.

I was riding my bicycle back home on a Friday afternoon, when I unknowingly dropped my card holder. It contained cards necessary for my daily life here in Japan. I’ve tried searching for it but I ended up tired and frustrated.

I couldn’t find it. I finally decided to tell my boss about what happened and continued the search for the missing purse.

Fast forward to one night, Mina and I were on our way home talking about how it’s been a week since I lost my cards. I was pretty worried about it but still had high hopes that someone brought it to the police station. Mina checked the mailbox and was surprised to see a notice addressed to me. It was from the City Police Station. I couldn’t believe it! We were so glad that someone indeed picked the purse up and brought it to the Lost and Found. I was even more delighted by the fact that we were just talking about it minutes ago!

A few days later, Boss and I went over to claim the purse at the Lost and Found. Everything was there, from the cards to the loose change I had in it. I was asked to confirm all its contents and I gladly told the officer that nothing was missing. I would have wanted to know the information of the person who found my lost item but those were kept confidential. Anyways, whoever the kind person was, I am very thankful for his/ her good heart.

As we headed back home, I felt a great sense of gratitude towards people who do acts of kindness in their daily lives. I have also proven once more how kind and honest Japanese people are and how safe it is to live here. And more than that, it made me think that there are still many good people out there!

I never want to lose any of my belongings ever again but I hope to experience more of people’s kindness in the future!  





しばらく日がたったある夜、Mina先生と私は、カード一式をなくして1週間、どうなっちゃったのかを話しながら帰宅してたの。とても心配だったんだけど、誰かが拾ってくれて交番に届けてくれるんじゃないか、っていう気持ちは持ってたんだ。自宅に着き、Mina先生が郵便受けを確認して、そしたらなんと私宛の通知がきているじゃない!それは市警からのものだったわ。信じられない! 誰かが見つけてくれて遺失物として警察に届けてくれたことがとても嬉しかった!数分前までMinaとまさに話していたことなだけに、ほんとたまげた。





Unknowingly- adv. Without knowledge or intention.
End up- phrasal verb. To finally be in a particular place or situation
Frustrated- adj. Feeling disappointed about a failure.
High hopes- n. A strong feeling that something good will happen or be true.
Claim- v. To formally request or demand.
Loose change- n. coins
Confidential- adj. Kept to be a secret
Belongings- n. Property; something owned by someone


Unknowingly- 形容詞  うっかり
End up- 句動詞  最後は~でおわる
Frustrated- 形容詞  失敗でがっかりして
High hopes- 名詞  良いことがおきるのではないか、という強い期待
Claim- 動詞  正式に要求(請求)する
Loose change- 名詞  小銭
Confidential- 形容詞  秘密で
Belongings- 名詞  所有物

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