
第52話: The reverse culture shock phenomenon | 逆カルチャーショック現象

6 things that shocked me (a Filipino) in the Philippines: The reverse culture shock phenomenon

Hello, EXCEL students and hello world! I have just come back from my two-week vacation in the Philippines. I had the best and the most amazing time. I am so glad to have been there to celebrate my grandmother’s 80th birthday and to have been able to join our family’s mini-reunion. My family and I traveled up north to Pangasinan and Baguio. We went to Hundred Islands in Pangasinan and to Burnham Park in Baguio City. 


エクセルイングリッシュの生徒のみなさん、そして世界のみんな、こんにちは!フィリピンでの2週間の休暇を終えて日本に帰ってきました。とっても素敵な時を過ごしてきたよ。80歳になる私のおばあちゃんの誕生日をお祝いできたし、家族とのプチ再会もできてとてもうれしかった。家族で北部の「Pangasinan」「Baguio」に旅行したよ。「Pangasinan」の「Hundred Islands 」や「Baguio」の「Burnham Park」という公園に行ってきたんだ。

Having lived in Japan for six years now, I can go so far as to say that I am practically already a Japanese. I think I have already forgotten some habits that I had developed growing up in the Philippines; which is why every time I experience this phenomenon called reverse culture shock. This happens when one person lives abroad for so long that they have to readjust their behavior when they come back home.  Here are the six things that shocked me:


1. Filipinos take it easy at work

The moment I landed at Ninoy Aquino International Airport, I saw service staff sitting on wheelchairs with their eyes glued to their phones. They aren’t PWD (People With Disability). They seem to be just standing by in case someone would need their help. There’s nothing wrong to be totally relaxed at work if you are in the Philippines. You can expect Filipinos sales assistants in malls to be chatting and laughing away with their co-workers during work. I even saw three salesladies practicing the latest dance craze in the Philippines entitled Tala. It is currently topping the music charts in the Philippines and it is popularized by Sarah Geronimo, a Filipino popstar. The ladies were juggling both attending to me and practicing their dance. I wasn’t appalled, or anything. In fact, I was amazed because I don’t think I would ever see this behaviour in Japan. What I like about Filipino staff though is their sincerity and warmth. They made me feel very comfortable and relaxed in their presence. They weren’t persistent and they didn’t pressure me or offer me too many things. They focused on my needs and not on making the sale. 

1. フィリピン人は仕事に対して楽観的

アキノ国際空港に到着した瞬間、空港のサービススタッフは車いすに腰かけて自分たちのスマホに目が釘付け。彼らは障がい者なわけじゃないんだ。彼らは、彼らの助けが必要な場合に備えてただそこに立っているように見える。フィリピンだったら、仕事でこんなふうにリラックスしてても何ら問題がない。ショッピングモールのスタッフが仕事中に同僚とおしゃべりしたり笑いあってたりするのを見るだろうし、わたしも「Tala」っていう今フィリピンではやっているダンスを練習しているセールスレディーを3人見た。これって今フィリピンのトップスター「Sarah Geronimo」のおかげでとっても有名でフィリピントップチャートをはしってるんだけど、彼女たちは私の世話とダンスの練習を上手にこなしていたわ。私はそれをあきれたり、変なふうにおもわなかったな。事実わたし、日本ではそんな習慣を決して見たことはないのですてきだなって思ったくらい。フィリピン人スタッフの私が好きなところは、彼ら/ 彼女らの表裏のないことや温かさ。彼らがいることで、私は心地よく、リラックスできる。決してしつこくないし、たくさんのことを要求したりしない。商売じゃなく、私が必要とすることにフォーカスしてくれるの。

2. Filipinos make time for you

My family and friends literally cancelled everything just to hang out with me. My cousins going to school in the afternoons came to my house every single morning that I was there. My mom and dad’s friends came to the house to bring me food that they wanted me to try, not only once a day but three times! They came with a different offering every time. They brought fruits, my favorite morning bread, desserts or dishes that they had cooked at home. I never had an empty stomach while I was there. 

2. フィリピン人は人に尽くす


3. Security guards open doors for you

I have heard from my students who have visited the Philippines that seeing security guards in a building made them feel scared because they carry guns. I feel quite the contrary actually. I felt very safe in their presence. They greeted me with beautiful smiles and even open doors for me. Every single one of them performed duties which were not expected of them which I greatly appreciated. 

3. 警備員が扉を開けてくれる


4. Filipinos are terrible drivers

In Filipino roads, you will hear nonstop honking. Roads are congested with too many cars and motorcycles. You will see cars switching lanes haphazardly. You will see PUVs (Public Utility Vehicles) dropping off passengers anywhere they please. Pedestrians cross at any road. They don’t wait for the lights to turn green before crossing. I was there for two weeks and I had seen 5 traffic accidents. Traffic rules don’t seem to hold enough power over motorists. 

4. フィリピン人の運転はひどい


5. The Grab application

Grab is a P2P (Peer-to-Peer) application which allows passengers to find a driver at any place and at any time. All you do is download the app through your smart phone and type in your destination. The app will search the nearest Grab driver for you in seconds and you’ll only wait 10 minutes for the driver to arrive. All Grab drivers are very pleasant. I can’t reiterate enough how convenient traveling was for me with the help of Grab drivers. 

5. 「Grab」というアプリ


6. Filipinos are comfortable speaking to you in English

My Korean cousins came to visit the Philippines with me. At first, I was concerned whether they would feel uncomfortable communicating with my friends and family. To my relief, they communicated so naturally and with ease. I almost forgot that Filipinos are great English speakers. I saw my cousins laughing and having a great time. 

6. フィリピン人は英語を上手に話す。


The Philippines will always be my home country, but Japan is my home now. I live here now. I interact with Japanese people every day and I can’t imagine not being here anymore. I’m sure there will be more episodes of reverse culture shock for me. But in hindsight, not being in the Philippines makes me appreciate my home country even more. 


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